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Generic TableView datasource that can be used to populate any type of listing with single cell listing, sectional listing and useful to populate different type of cells in one section using protocol based models and Generics.



Rules to follow if you’ve set your mind to use it.

  1. Every UITableView class should conform to ReusableCell protocol by inheriting it.
  2. Every UITableViewHeaderFooterView class should confirm to ReusableHeaderFooterView protocol by inheriting it.
  3. Your model class for setting data in UITableViewCell should confirm to CellModelProvider protocol by inherinting it. #### CellModelProvider
     protocol CellModelProvider {
         typealias Property = (identifier: String, height: CGFloat, model: CellModelType?)
         associatedtype CellModelType
         var property: Property? { get set }
         var leadingSwipeConfig: SKSwipeActionConfig? { get set }
         var trailingSwipeConfig: SKSwipeActionConfig? { get set }
         init(_ _property: Property?, _ _leadingSwipe: SKSwipeActionConfig?, _ _trailingSwipe: SKSwipeActionConfig?)
  4. Your model class for setting data in UITableViewHeaderFooterView should confirm to HeaderFooterModelProvider protocol by inheriting it. #### HeaderFooterModelProvider
     protocol HeaderFooterModelProvider {
         typealias HeaderProperty = (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: HeaderModelType?)
         typealias FooterProperty = (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: FooterModelType?)
         associatedtype CellModelType : CellModelProvider
         associatedtype HeaderModelType
         associatedtype FooterModelType
         var headerProperty: HeaderProperty? { get set }
         var footerProperty: FooterProperty? { get set }
         var items: [CellModelType]? { get set }
         init(_ _header: HeaderProperty?, _ _footer: FooterProperty?, _ _items: [CellModelType]?)

    Code Examples

  5. For single listing with single cell types. Consider you have following model.
     class Example01Model {
         var name: String?
         var description: String?
         var imageName: String?
         init(_ _name: String?, _ _desc: String?, _ _imageName: String?) {
             name = _name
             description = _desc
             imageName = _imageName

    You can declare and instantiate tableViewDataSource instance like below.

     private var items = [Example01Model]()
     private var dataSource: TableDataSource<DefaultHeaderFooterModel<Example01Model>, //Model Type for header footer conforming HeaderFooterModelProvider protocol
                                               DefaultCellModel<Example01Model>, //Model Type for cell confirming CellModelProvider protocol
                                               Example01Model>? //Model Type of data to be used in cell
     dataSource = TableDataSource<DefaultHeaderFooterModel<Example01Model>, DefaultCellModel<Example01Model>, Example01Model>.init(.SingleListing(items: items, identifier: Example01Cell.identfier, height: height), tableView)

    Setting data inside cell

     class Example01Cell: UITableViewCell, ReusableCell { //Inheriting Reuasable Cell Protocol
         typealias T = DefaultCellModel<Example01Model> //Declaring type of model to be used
         @IBOutlet weak var imgView: UIImageView!
         @IBOutlet weak var lblTitle: UILabel!
         @IBOutlet weak var lblDesc: UILabel!
         var item: DefaultCellModel<Example01Model>? { // variable from which we can set data in cell
             didSet {
                 imgView.layer.cornerRadius = 16.0
                 imgView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.darkGray.cgColor
                 imgView.layer.borderWidth = 0.8
                 imgView.image = UIImage(named: item?.property?.model?.imageName ?? "")
                 lblTitle.text = item?.property?.model?.name ?? ""
                 lblDesc.text = item?.property?.model?.description ?? ""
  6. For multiple section and cell listing. We need two models one for section footer and one for cell following rules that we’ve discussessed above.
     class SeasonHeaderFooterModel: HeaderFooterModelProvider { //conforming HeaderFooterModelProvider protocol
         typealias CellModelType = ActorCellModel //cell model type
         typealias HeaderModelType = Season //header model type
         typealias FooterModelType = Any //Footer model type
         var headerProperty: (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: Season?)?
         var footerProperty: (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: Any?)?
         var items: [ActorCellModel]?
         required init(_ _header: (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: Season?)?, _ _footer: (identifier: String?, height: CGFloat?, model: Any?)?, _ _items: [ActorCellModel]?) {
             headerProperty = _header
             footerProperty = _footer
             items = _items
     class ActorCellModel: CellModelProvider { //confirming CellModelProvider protocol
         typealias CellModelType = Actor // model type of data to be used in cell
         var property: (identifier: String, height: CGFloat, model: Actor?)?
         required init(_ _property: (identifier: String, height: CGFloat, model: Actor?)?) {
             property = _property

    You can declare and instantiate tableViewDataSource instance like below.

     private var items = [SeasonHeaderFooterModel]()
     private var dataSource: TableDataSource<SeasonHeaderFooterModel, ActorCellModel, Actor>?
     dataSource = TableDataSource<SeasonHeaderFooterModel, ActorCellModel, Actor>.init(.MultipleSection(items: items), tableView)

    Setting data inside header footer view

     class TVSeriesHeaderView: UITableViewHeaderFooterView, ReusableHeaderFooter {
         typealias T = SeasonHeaderFooterModel // model type of data to be used in header footer view 
         @IBOutlet weak var lblTitle: UILabel!
         var item: SeasonHeaderFooterModel? {
             didSet {
                 lblTitle.text = item?.headerProperty?.model?.title ?? ""
  7. Table View Data source blocks can be used for further functionality.
     dataSource?.configureHeaderFooter = { (section, item, view) in
         (view as? TVSeriesHeaderView)?.item = item
     dataSource?.configureCell = { (cell, item, indexPath) in
         (cell as? Example01Cell)?.item = item
     dataSource?.addPullToRefresh = { [weak self] in
         self?.pageNo = 0
     dataSource?.addInfiniteScrolling = { [weak self] in
         self?.pageNo = (self?.pageNo ?? 0) + 1
     dataSource?.scrollDirection = { (direction) in
         switch direction {
         case .Up:
         case .Down:
     dataSource?.didSelectRow = { (indexPath, item) in
  8. Leading and trailing swipe actions.
     protocol CellModelProvider {
     typealias Property = (identifier: String, height: CGFloat, model: CellModelType?)
     associatedtype CellModelType
     var property: Property? { get set }
     var leadingSwipeConfig: SKSwipeActionConfig? { get set } // used to assign leading actions
     var trailingSwipeConfig: SKSwipeActionConfig? { get set } // used to assign trailing actions
     init(_ _property: Property?, _ _leadingSwipe: SKSwipeActionConfig?, _ _trailingSwipe: SKSwipeActionConfig?)
     // Internal class handling all actions in datasource
     class SKSwipeActionConfig {
         private var actionValues: [(title: String?, image: UIImage?, backGroundColor: UIColor, identifier: String)]?
         private var swipeActionConfig: UISwipeActionsConfiguration?
         public var didSelectAction: ((_ identifer: String) -> Void)?
         init(_ _actions: [(title: String?, image: UIImage?, backGroundColor: UIColor, identifier: String)]) {
             actionValues = _actions
             var skActions = [UIContextualAction]()
             actionValues?.forEach({ (item) in
                 let action = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: item.title, handler: { [weak self] (action, view, handler) in
                 action.backgroundColor = item.backGroundColor
                 action.image = item.image
             swipeActionConfig = UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: skActions)
             swipeActionConfig?.performsFirstActionWithFullSwipe = true
         func getConfig() -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? {
             return swipeActionConfig

    block that can be used to handle leading and trailing actions.

     dataSource?.editActionForRow = { (indexPath, identifier, action) in
         switch action {
             case .Leading:
                 print("Leading action tapped", "Identifer: \(identifier)")
                 // do anything according to identifer if multiple actions
             case .Trailing:
                 print("Trailing action tapped", "Identifer: \(identifier)")
                 // do anything according to identifer if multiple actions

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